If you are travelling to watch Town play Normanton to morrow and if you like to read books about Rugby League or if you are looking for a possible Mothers' Day present have a look in the Featherstone club shop.
In there you will find a good selection of Rugby League Books.
They include three novels:
Rugby Football. The Game United (based on the idea what would have happened if the northern clubs had been in control of rugby in 1895).
Braver Than All The Rest. (A Mother's fight to give her disabled rugby league mad son a decent life).
Two Seasons (Set in South Lancashire in 2002 and 2003 against a background of work, family, old friends and rugby league)
Heading for the Line. (A fan's guide to the grounds of all the professional, semi professional and National Conference League clubs).
Soldier's League The history of rugby league in the British Army
The King Of Brilliance. The biography of Rugby League's first super star.
For those who are interested but not travelling all these books and more are available from the publisher London League Publications. Visit
www.llpshop.co.uk. Click on books and on fiction for the novels.
Also available through Amazon as E Books.