To the people in the street this may not look bad,The thing is we have no sugar Daddy,But is that a good thing long term,What happens if the sugar Daddy has enough,(John Wright Doncaster) and theres no other investors involved,The Eagles i believe have shareholders and there is no owner of the club which is good but on the other hand money has to be spent right,The ideal scenario is multi investors with small but contributually amounts and maybe someone who can put the extra in,thats an ideal world,30,000 a year loss for a one-off year doesnt look bad in the sporting arena but continued over 5-10 years it will escalate and become unmaginable,You can only carryon losing money for so long before cutbacks occur and we no what that means,We need more paying cutomers,The positive is where not far off making a profit with a good side and good facilities,£150.00 a season ticket (Rough guess)It would take another 200 sold (not massive amount) and that would be the 30,000 money that is lost,Shows the difference between being up and down,Fine margins but they need to be addressed,Just think if we got 400 extra season ticket holders