Valhallah me owd cock! How on earth are you?? It's been a while!
Off to loftier heights I see soon as your lot step up from the sludge onto the stairway to heaven!
I've moved on a bit over the last ten years!! - Ten years - it's really that long!! Dews winning the GF!!!!! Where does time go eh?
Now a community nurse around wakey. Gone from locking folk up in the forensic service to doing exactly the opposite on the community. I love it! Even my daughter does this now - and yes she occasionally attends a game. She's coming with me on Sunday as it happens.
The lad is working in Korea - after 7, yes [size=2007 [/sizeyears at Newcastle Uni! He is fluent in French, adept in German and Korean and can speak some Punjabi. He can also talk abject sheeeite with total fluency!
So you're retired then eh?? What's one of Norman Tebit's stormtroopers do then when they retire? Please don't tell me you've taken up golf??????
Things went from bad to worse at Fev. We towed for a few years, then the little fella (now chairman) got involved with us. He's been the catalyst for a lot of change at Rovers and got stuff moving though watching Rovers is never easy on my health! I'm in my heart attach years now and they don't half put me through it!!
Funnily enough, I was talking to another forum member from years ago on Sunday. I wondered what you were up to!
Keep smiling owd cock! Good to hear from you. Be nice to introduce myself at either game this season before you lot depart this plane and move on to "the other side"!!!!
Keep smiling