My point is .. Who are all the extras ?
If we had a petition going I wouldn't expect over 10k of signatures . And before you mention it , I know that Wakey also had a big sign-up to their request for support . No matter how many people sign an online petition it is very doubtful if all of them would use the facility they are purporting to be in favour of . Due to the sheer size of the WWW (facebook , twitter etc etc) there will no doubt have been 'support' from people who had never even heard of the place , let alone have any interest in the outcome of their participating in the petition .
Oooops . My error . It was 19k wanting rid of the Tigers in favour of a new supermarket
Hopefully the RFL will see sense and keep Trinity in SDL . Keep Cas too . Improve your grounds . Don't move for the sake of it . Our old style stadiums are very few and far between . They have something that these shiny ones in new locations will never have . I ain't sure what it is they have . But I for one will miss it once they have all gone .