Interesting thread on the other site.##Survey going on about Wigan Warriors old training site at Orrell ... =3&t=39508 ... 7GP0AwH_js
Tick boxes dont work on here but work on site url
Use of Edge Hall Road as a Community Facility
1. Your chance to make a difference to Orrell and the surrounding areas
In conjunction with Orrell RUFC, Brighter Better Orrell would like to assess the level of public support there would be for returning the ground back to the community -for use by the whole community.
A few months ago, the Wigan Warriors moved their training base to Robin Park and since then there has been much speculation about the future of the Edge Hall Road site. Several different scenarios have been mentioned including Orrell Rugby Union Club moving to the site; a local community facility or the being sold for housing development - which would be the worst scenario for the people of Orrell.
Over the last six months Orrell RUFC have discussed various options with Wigan Warriors and have first refusal on a proposal. It has been suggested that Edge Hall Road could become a true community hub; pitches used by Orrell RUFC and other local sporting teams; various community groups & organisations using the clubhouse for meetings, events, etc.
Your answers will help us to assess whether there is enough support for us to put the case for a community centre forward to the current owners. It will also help us gauge whether there is enough support from the people of Orrell & surrounding areas for such a facility and for what uses; bearing in mind that a new community sports/health hub is being developed by Orrell & Winstanley Community Sports Club - which will also be the new home for both Orrell RUFC and Winstanley Park Cricket Club and will provide the community with access to rugby, cricket and other sports & well-being activities.
This is your chance to make a difference and define what the facility should become!
Question Title
1. Would you like to see Edge Hall Road returned to the people of Orrell as a community facility?
Question Title
2. If yes, how would you like to see the facility used? For example, would you like the facility to include a health practice or a community gym, arts centre, etc? Tick as many boxes as appropriate.
Arts and Crafts
Medical ie health practice, community pharmacy
Community Gym
Community Groups
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Question Title
3. Do you have any concerns over a community project of this type?
Question Title
4. If you have concerns, or you don't want the facility returned to the people of Orrell as a community facility, how would you like the the land & facility to be used?
Open space/green space
Park/recreational space
Other (please specify)
Question Title
5. Bearing in mind that a new community sports/health hub is being developed by Orrell & Winstanley Community Sports Club on land on Winstanley Road, which will offer rugby, cricket and additional sports & well-being activities; would you like to see the facility at Edge Hall Road used just for just non-sporting activities?
Question Title
6. How important is it to you that the people of Orrell have access to other activities other than sport?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
None at all
Question Title
7. If you would like to be more active what activities would you like to do?
Outdoor Sports
Indoor Sports
Other (please specify)
Question Title
8. In order to make Orrell Brighter and Better, do you think the area needs access to better facilities (for example: additional sports, groups, education, nursery/creches, volunteering, employment opportunities, etc; other types of facilities such as well-being)?
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Question Title
9. If the project goes ahead, Do you have any professional or work experience that would benefit the project and would you be prepared to help to get the project off the ground?
Question Title
10. Would you be able to offer your time on a voluntary basis or by providing a donation or sponsorship for the project? If you answered "yes" would you be happy for us to contact you to discuss how you could help? Please provide your email address (this will not be used for any other purposes) so that we can contact you.
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