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Hi Everyone
I don’t mean to tread on Bilko’s toes by doing this but I have always found myself doing blogs etc so I have set up a Wigan and Rugby League blog at www.wiganrugby.blog
The aim is to give a platform for those that wish to write articles, content, stories, reviews, rants etc
I am looking to do match previews, reviews and man of the match votes for all games, as well as the individual pieces as and when the need do to do so arises.
I love Bilko’s site and the amount of unpaid time he has put into it getting all the stats together is unbelievable and I think we all share the same gratitude for all the work and time he has put into that over the past (many) years. I have no intention of ripping him off by doing what he has built up so well.
I would like the site to become a hub for all fans to contribute - no matter whether you have any experience of writing or not - everyones opinion matters.
So if you have any stories, comments, book reviews, historic game memories that you would like to put down for others to enjoy reading - email them over to [uwiganrugbyblog@outlook.com[/u If you have a twitter account, send that over with your piece so we can get some interaction over social media.
There are some good phone wallpapers etc on the site already and I hope we can develop the site
I will be doing a man of the match vote after every game (like we used to do on here) on the blog and also on Twitter at [urlhttps://twitter.com/wigan_blog[/url
There is currently a poll online to vote for Wigan’s Greatest Super League XIII for a bit of fun (results will be published next week) - [urlhttps://wiganrugby.blog/2017/02/27/the-greatest-super-league-wigan-13-you-decide/[/url
Thank you for reading
Hi Everyone
I don’t mean to tread on Bilko’s toes by doing this but I have always found myself doing blogs etc so I have set up a Wigan and Rugby League blog at www.wiganrugby.blog
The aim is to give a platform for those that wish to write articles, content, stories, reviews, rants etc
I am looking to do match previews, reviews and man of the match votes for all games, as well as the individual pieces as and when the need do to do so arises.
I love Bilko’s site and the amount of unpaid time he has put into it getting all the stats together is unbelievable and I think we all share the same gratitude for all the work and time he has put into that over the past (many) years. I have no intention of ripping him off by doing what he has built up so well.
I would like the site to become a hub for all fans to contribute - no matter whether you have any experience of writing or not - everyones opinion matters.
So if you have any stories, comments, book reviews, historic game memories that you would like to put down for others to enjoy reading - email them over to [uwiganrugbyblog@outlook.com[/u If you have a twitter account, send that over with your piece so we can get some interaction over social media.
There are some good phone wallpapers etc on the site already and I hope we can develop the site
I will be doing a man of the match vote after every game (like we used to do on here) on the blog and also on Twitter at [urlhttps://twitter.com/wigan_blog[/url
There is currently a poll online to vote for Wigan’s Greatest Super League XIII for a bit of fun (results will be published next week) - [urlhttps://wiganrugby.blog/2017/02/27/the-greatest-super-league-wigan-13-you-decide/[/url
Thank you for reading
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| It's good to see previews etc on there, it's obviously still new but I do enjoy reading people's previews, reviews etc
Bilkos site is the oracle for all stats on wigan rugby so I am sure you can use that as a reference - we do all miss Bilkos contributions
Best of luck with it and if I can find the time to write something, I will send it over
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| Good luck with this. I've often thought about doing an RL website but always thought using Rugby League images and getting permission was such a grey area that it put me off and without them a site looks a bit boring. I literally didn't know who to go to and heard some say it was the individual clubs and others the RFL so would love to know how you went about this.
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The easiest way is create logos etc by yourself on InDesign. But for image rights etc, just subscribe to Getty images or something similar, that way you can use the photos from their photo bank without paying additional royalties
If you want to contribute through to our site, please feel free. If you want to write an article or a preview etc, just send it over to wignarugbyblog@outlook.com
The easiest way is create logos etc by yourself on InDesign. But for image rights etc, just subscribe to Getty images or something similar, that way you can use the photos from their photo bank without paying additional royalties
If you want to contribute through to our site, please feel free. If you want to write an article or a preview etc, just send it over to wignarugbyblog@outlook.com
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Club Captain | 77 | No Team Selected |
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Feb 2017 | 8 years | |
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| Just in case this of interest to anyone:
We are looking for fans to contribute to a short, 10 question interview online for a blog series, looking at fans favourite memories of following Wigan and also their predictions for this season.
You can find the online questionnaire at [urlhttps://wiganrugby.blog/2017/03/05/fans-5-minutes-with/[/url
Rank | Posts | Team |
Club Captain | 77 | No Team Selected |
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Feb 2017 | 8 years | |
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| We have been getting some contributions for fans to share the first game, favourite players, who they would love to have seen play for Wigan etc which we are sharing every day at [urlhttp://www.wiganrugby.blog[/url in a series called, 5 Minutes with ... . If you want to have a go and share your memories (some older memories would be good - we seem to have lots of people who's favourite players and games have all been since 2013!)
You can fill out the form online and find more details at: [urlhttps://wiganrugby.blog/2017/03/05/fans-5-minutes-with/[/url