and to think i thought Andy Farrell was the master at this and would never be beaten!!
he's small fry!!!
On a serious note tho look at how different Farrell / Edwards / Robinson etc. speak now theyve gone to union.....Still with accents but they are all able to interview properly without using ridiculous 'filler' words and ‘ums’ and ‘errs’ throughout, which really did nothing for them previously but made them look stupid.
Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from union because its obvious that they give their players training on how to deal with the media / how to interview etc. as a matter of course.
Perhaps if league could do this we'd have more than a handful of players who could speak to the press without sounding like were a game for idiots and thickies oop north and perpetuating the myth!!
All it takes is a little coaching and media training. Perhaps if we did this we may get a little more credibility for the game with the southen based press.