Just going through some very old pages on the website and found this gem of an article from back in the day when I used to bother putting news items on the website......
The article was posted 10 days before Wigan's kids beat Saints in an infamous Good Friday derby.
Quote absolute top draw
CherryandWhite.co.uk News: Whelan planning to sign "absolute top draw" Australians!
Posted on Tuesday April 08 2003 @ 18:14:08 BST by Bilko
Wigan owner Dave Whelan has called for Warriors fans to be patient on the back of our poorest start ever to a Super League campaign.
He states that he is planning to bring two or three "absolute top draw" Australians to the club.
Whelan is urging fans to get behind the youngsters because he believe's we will become great again.
He revealed to local radio station 102.4 Wish FM:
"We've got the youngsters and what I would ask is for fans to come down and support those kids."
"Don't get on their backs! Give them some time, give them some space"
"Next year it is our intention to bring in two or three absolute top draw Australian players to mix with our youngsters.
"Not has beens like what's been going on in the past.
"Next year, or the year after, I think we'll be back to Wigan being the greatest again."
Wigan signed zero Aussies for 2004 - never mind "top drawer". Whilst 2005 saw us sign Luke Davico, Jerry Seuseu, David Vaealiki, Dennis Moran.
As for the youngsters they'd most had gone within 2 years.
But to be fair his prediction of "Wigan being the greatest again" - was nearly correct. He just meant greatest of National League 1!
God we are so lucky to be rid of the Maurice and Dave double act!