No more bring a mate bonus schemes for ST holders.......budget Now for 200 to 250k a year for the next 2 years......tie down a sponsor now, regardless of for how little (blank shirts are harder to sell to anyone new), get any new designs confirmed by October and IN THE SHOP for christmas, bin the outside agencies used that have produced nothing, instead of videos in aussie bars, give 100 tickets to the landlords of 5 selected bars and if they sell the tickets for a tenner each, they get to keep half.....Knock on doors, letter drop the area more than once, invite every business owner in TW2 to be our guest at a game, plan 13 EVENTS as soon as the fixtures are announced, liaise with SKY and the RFL over continuity, fans forums when you promise them, newsletter when you promise them......and I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET