Quote they sent me a reply back saying they are trying to give Super League more coverage but the fact is the station and its listeners have their major interests in football'"
That's correct. However, most of the football fans I know would say that they prefer League to Union; the atmosphere, the speed and the genuine love of the game that the people who watch actually have (as oppposed to going just to be a part of it or to be seen there !).
I bet that if you spoke to the vast majority of football fans in and around London and asked them which code of Rugby they watched, most would say Rugby Union because they watch the Internationals and want to appear patriotic and knowledgeable.
In reality they probably watch far more Rugby League and thoroughly enjoy it. However, because there is no culture of League down here as yet (apart from in a few locations such as Hemel, Skolars etc) it is easier and more rewarding to be seen as a full time England and part time Union fan rather than just a part time League fan, even if you much prefer the 13 aside game.
Of all the football fans I have spoken to about this subject, I honstly believe that about 90% of them have admitted they
prefer Rugby league even though most have started off by saying they
watch Rugby Union.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a huge untapped market. What say ye ?
Shall we continue our sycophantic dribble to toward the wrong areas or shall we grab the bull by the horns and try and attract those violent, horrible, nasty, brash, uneducated, partisan, loud, loyal, honest, funny, football types ?