Hughes and by association MacKay are both culpable for the demise of the club.
Hughes, because he refuses to take guidance from anyone about anything, even though he admits that he is a businessman and MacKay for being nothing more than the tool used by Hughes to implement failed changes.
The role of a CEO is, according to wiki...
Quote investmentTypically, the CEO/MD has responsibilities as a director, decision maker, leader, manager and executor. The communicator role can involve the press and the rest of the outside world, as well as the organization's management and employees; the decision-making role involves high-level decisions about policy and strategy. As a leader of the company, the CEO/MD advises the board of directors, motivates employees, and drives change within the organization. As a manager, the CEO/MD presides over the organization's day-to-day operations.'"
....I can see nothing that points to MacKay delivering on any of the above. It is patently clear that he simply does as he is told and in doing so, has managed to secure 4 years salary in a Job title that bears little resemblance to what he actually does.
Neither of these 2 men have the slightest clue of how to run a professional sports club.
The best way I can describe Hughes "investment" in the club is to compare him to a man standing at a Roulette Wheel and betting a considerable sum every time on 37. The croupier, other assembled gamblers and the management repeatedly tell him that the numbers only go to 36, but "he knows best" and believes that he'll win in the end if he keeps faith in his is entertaining to watch, but it becomes increasingly painful as time goes by before it becomes just pitiful.
The real crime here is that by the end of his tenure this year, he will have flushed close to 14 million quid down the drain and we will have NOTHING to show for it......I don't know whether to cry or laugh
If I had 10% of that, I'd have delivered 5k averages within 2 years, but they've somehow managed to reduce the gates to 1,200.....
...I'll say this though. If the RFL allow Mandy K to buy the Bradford Bills, I believe that both Lenegan and Hughes may well be advised to seek legal advice. If they'd have let IL keep his shares and permitted him to invest in the club, we'd be 100% better off than the shambles we have before us.....