Last week's copy of League Express included my letter in which I referred to the decline in the mental health of some players when they retire from playing, some referees when they retire from refereeing and some supporters as they just grow old. My suggestion on how to deal with this problem is to spend some time during each week
writing a novel based generally on your own life, a novel that can include tales about your own family
childhood, work, home town, hobbies and your knowledge and involvement with our game.
People who I have told this to, often agree with me that it seems an interesting idea but go on to say that they would just not know how to do it. For such people I have also written three pages of advice based on the fact that since starting to write my first novel "One Winter" in 1988 I have now written nearly half a million words in six novels in a series that runs between 1962 and 2008.
If you would like to read this advice, contact me at and ask me to send you "Geoff's RL Writing Advice". However you may prefer to read one of my novels first or maybe buy one as a Christmas present for someone who enjoys a good laugh. To start with I would suggest my latest novel "Three Good Years". It is set in my fictional town of Ashurst which is 'located' somewhere between Warrington and St Helens Junction, with a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League" between 2006 and 2008.
To purchase a copy visit London League Publications at Click on Books and then Fiction.