For all those people now faced with the prospect of having to self isolate maybe for months and wondering how to pass the time, can I suggest something to do that is interesting, enjoyable and cheap.
Try writing a novel based on your own life. This is something that I started to do back in 1988 when I was still working as a draughtsman for the CEGB.
It was inspired both by my love and knowledge of Rugby League and the old saying about work that "They could write a book about this place. It would be a best seller".
I have now written six novels in my Ashurst series and been praised by such fellow writers as Tony Collins, Ray French, Dave Hadfield, Tony Hannan, Phil Howard, Mike Stephenson and Graham Williams plus the Sixties icon Stan Barstow.
If you want an introduction to my novels read "Three Good Years" with its background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League and set between 2006 and 2008.
It is available from the publisher London League Publications. Visit their web site at Click on Books and then Fiction and see also a little story about the school in Tiger Bay that Billy Boston, Johnny Freeman, Joe Erskine and Shirley Bassey once went to.
For any one really interested in becoming an author I have written a short guide line on how to start. Send me your E Mail address me at and I'll send it to you.