I am picketing the offices of the Daily Telegraph in London next Thursday 1 December. You can see a video of me explaining why I am doing this here: [urlhttp://www.thelifedept.co.uk/livelonger/footer-featured-c/the-daily-telegraphs-coverage-of-the-rugby-league/[/url
There will be two or three of us in attendance with other London based fans saying they’ll try and bob over for a while.
I have already had a quite a few messages critical of media coverage and I am going to print them off and display them outside their offices. This will show that many people are fed up with the shameful coverage our sport gets. If you have something you want to say to staff at the Daily Telegraph please email me at
stuart.glendinning@thelifedept.co.uk and as long as it avoids abusive language I will print it off to display at their offices.
Also if any of you have a team flag/banner or team shirt that you would trust me with it would be great to display it. It would look fantastic to see lots of different team names displayed outside the offices of the Telegraph. If I get enough I will take a film and post it on Youtube. If enough people like it, it could show up each time someone does a search for ‘Daily Telegraph’. A paper that, according to one fan ‘purposely ignores the sport’, would forever be linked with our sport!
Interestingly 5 fans have contacted this week to say they had previously complained to the Telegraph. I have today had a particularly interesting letter from an 80 year old gentleman from Leigh and this is the focus in today’s video blog which you can see here: [urlhttp://www.thelifedept.co.uk/livelonger/livelonger/6-days-to-daily-telegraph-picket/[/url
This makes me wonder how many complaints the Telegraph is getting but more to the point why it does nothing improve? Another fan has pointed out that Telegraph.co.uk does not list rugby league in its sports section in the toolbar unlike other newspapers websites. Convenient for saying you don’t get many people looking at rugby league stories online and justifying little coverage in the paper? Ignorance or, as some think, malice?
If you live in the north west I could possibly collect your team flag or banner, further afield you’d need to post it to me. I will return everything of course (but make sure I have your address). Drop me an email to the address above. As you’ll see from today’s blog I already have a Hunslet flag. Thanks very much Pat, it will be an honour and privilege to display the pride of Leeds at 111 Buckingham Palace Road Thursday next. I hope it serves to educate and enlighten the workers at the UK’s supposedly leading quality newspaper.
Thank you to those fans that have emailed me their best wishes.