Just been announced on Twitter that Steve has made the next round to carry the torch.
*Edit :
I received this earlier "Thank you for nominating Steve Prescott through our ‘Moment to shine’ campaign to find 2,012 of the most inspiring people to carry the Olympic Flame during the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay.
We have gone through a process of validating the nominations, and picking one nomination at random where someone was nominated more than once.
Unfortunately, the nomination you made for Steve Prescott has not made it through to the next stage of the process. However, they may still have gone through if they were nominated more than once.
We hope you continue your support for London 2012 and look forward to seeing you along the Olympic Torch Relay route. The Olympic Flame will travel to within an hour of 95 per cent of the UK population. Sign up to get all the news about the Relay and London 2012
Please note, if you nominated more than one person to be a Torchbearer (or the same person twice), we will send an email for each nomination you made. As previously explained, we will not enter into any further correspondence about our decision on the nomination you made.
You can also still nominate someone else to carry the Olympic Flame through our three proud Torch Relay Presenting Partners – Coca-Cola, Lloyds TSB and Samsung.
Yours sincerely,"
I wonder who's vote did get through?