Well, I see we've moved the conversation forward considerably this afternoon.
To summarise my position, before I get on with some of what I'm paid to do (people are waiting for their fries as I type):
1) I will never park in a fashion which I consider to be inconsiderate to others, meaning I will not obstruct roads or driveways, park in disabled spaces, close to junctions or on top of people's pets.
2) I will happily park legally and responsibly on a public road. I do not consider this in any way grounds for a rational person to become offended. I consider this action to be not only legally defensible but perfectly fair and ethical. To park inconsiderately in one of the above ways (or other I haven't mentioned) may well cause offence.
3) People who live near sporting stadia and other attractions might reasonably expect that public parking around the venue may become extremely busy at peak times. This is in fact the sort of thing one would consider when buying or renting said property, unless the use of the area should change in the period since they have owned or rented it. This does not mean they should expect people to park like idiots, but it does mean they should expect the road to be busy.
4) If people do become offended, justifiably or otherwise, it is never in my view acceptable, appropriate, understandable or amusing for them to engage in vigilante activity of a criminal nature. We have laws for that sort of thing, and condoning vigilante action in any way is a step on a pretty slippery slope in my opinion. It is not for the general public to decide what behaviour they find offensive enough to require punitive action, and you certainly can't start damaging people's property every time you find their behaviour inconvenient. To find that kind of thing entertaining and understandable is a far more crass attitude, in my opinion, than disputing people's right to take offence at legal activities in public places.
5) I have never met or socialised with any other posters involved in this discussion. If I did I might not even like them, especially if they smell a bit funny or dress better than me.
That should cover it. I have no further comment at this time.