Another good night except for the low turnout.
Martin's quiz was a great but a real stinker for the majority of us.
HL and ESO came up trumps proving that the educational system may actually be working
Thanks as always to the players who turned up.
A master stroke by Tubbs who hired a straight man to stand at the bar for his 30 minute stand up routine to provide him opportunity to deliver his punch lines.
Going back to the low turnout, I just don't know what Eagles supporters want. The weather wasn't that bad, the venue is reasonably easy to get to; there was free food so apart from a drink

it's a cheap night out.
The committee are all approachable people and although I'm not on the committee I'd ask people if there is something about the evenings that's putting them off going to let the committee know.
Maybe the publicity isn't as good as it could be, not everyone has the internet etc. So here's my suggestion

, leave a mobile number with a committee member and let them SMS you and let them redeem the costs from the funds.