In Response to this
I sent an email on Wednesday at 12:30 in response to this - I shall copy and paste the entire email here.
In response to your posting on the forum (I am no longer a registered user on there) - Please feel free to post this on the forum
After the home game V Whitehaven, every single committee member of the Supporters Club was present in the Platinum Suite. We handed out Questionnaires to every single table, asking for feedback on a number of topics. Not a single person asked any of the committee members about membership/how to join etc.
Since that day the chairperson has stood down from the committee due to other commitments, and another committee member has also stood down. We are in the process of arranging a committee meeting as a matter of urgency.
As treasurer of the Supporters Club, I could give you the figures you wish for, however I don't think broadcasting them over the internet is a good idea, and I certainly don't believe the figure should be given to non-members.
We have looked into merchandise, stands etc but at the present moment we are yet to find a solution.
The current committee has 6 members, namely myself (Andrew Senior), Mark Webster, Kevin Critchley, Julie Carnall, Ian Carnall and Michael Carnall. I know you know who me and Mark are, so if you, or anyone else, is wanting to join the supporters club, or gain more information, please send them in our direction.
There was a flyer placed in one 'Game On' magazine regarding away travel (I think) which generated absolutely zero response. We also had an open meeting on 11 March at the Cocked Hat and the turnout was very poor, despite being announced over the tannoy at games, and messages posted on various internet forums. We also tried to get notice of the meeting published in League Express, although I don't recall if it was actually published or not.
If anybody does wish to join the Sheffield Eagles Supporters Club, either contact one of the committee members listed above on a matchday, or please send an email to The cost of membership is £5 for adults, £2 for children/OAPs, and £10 for a family membership (2 adults & 2 children). Also if anybody has any feedback/ideas etc, then again, please contact a committee member, or send an email to the address above.
Andrew Senior
Sheffield Eagles Supporters Club Treasurer