Just over a year ago I put a message on this message board stating that I was near to completing my fifth novel. I also mentioned that one of the main characters in this series of novels all set in South Lancashire is Thelma brought up in a home in Cardiff who drifts North in 1962.
Well that fifth novel is now out. It's called "Two Seasons", has a background of Work, Family, Old Friends and Rugby League and, continuing with the Welsh connection, there is also one chapter called "The Girl from Wrexham".
Among the other chapter titles are A Tale from Knowsley Road, A Day Out In Wigan, Listening to Eddie and Stevo, along with Martindale's Chip Shop, "The Spoilt Papers Might Win It", E-Mails from Amsterdam and "Hazel Says No To Bush and Blair".
It can be ordered at any good book shop or direct and slightly cheaper from the publisher London League Publications at