Quote JLM23="JLM23"Hi All,
I play for Eccleston Lions and we have previously done some work for the Cancer Research Charity raising £2000 by having a race night. We have now been speaking to the Lilac Centre at St.Helens Hospital who do excellent work for patients with Cancer. We have now been asked by the Lilac Centre to help promote them and raise awareness. One way we are doing this is to don a Full Pink Kit for next season (2011-12) and having the Lilac Centre as the main shirt sponsor. The reason I am posting on here is to see if anyone can assist. The kit is going to cost in the region of £1000 so we are looking for donations, this can either be in the way of an individual who is feeling generous! Or Primarily Local Businesses, who may be willing to provide us with £100 towards the kit by possibly sponsoring the Collar, Back of the top or sleeves. Any help would be much appreciated, if anyone wishes to help or ask anything further you can either post on here or send me a PM and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Many Thanks for reading'"
another approach I have come across recently is for the club to seek a larger number of £25 or £50 sponsors and have a banner produced that says - 'Eccleston Lions, and partners, supporters of the Lilac Centre" - around the banner you than have each business logo as they are your partners. You then display the banner at every game you play which increases the number of businesses you can go to...
You can play with that idea any way you like by having say 4 primary sponsors at 100/200 and they appear on the shirt, then say 10,15,20 paying 25 or 50 depending on the size of their logo on the banner. Depending on your network, you could get more than just a straight 10 businesses at 100. A 'crawl' of some of your players (in pink t-shirts say) round local businesses seeking £25 a time could reap good rewards...and increase the charity exposure as you go.