Hi all,
I'm currently conducting some research for my disseratation that involves Whitehaven and am looking for opinions from Haven fans who watched the team throughout the 60's to 1990, i'm not exclusively looking for spectators of all three decades only, even a few years in the 80's would help me. It is an anonymous questionnaire and won't take alot of time to complete.
This is the link to the questionnaire
My dissertation proposal is:
I propose to investigate is whether the industrial background from three Rugby League towns had an impact on the clubs fortunes during 1960-1990. I plan to use Huddersfield, Whitehaven and St Helens, these clubs where established pre-1950 and have very different industrial backgrounds as well as geographical differences. Huddersfield, Yorkshire was predominantly a manufacturing mill town, St Helens in Lancashire until 1974 then Merseyside – mining and glass manufacture, and Whitehaven in Cumbria – mining, fishing and exporting of goods. During this period the majority of rugby league players played for their local teams and although getting paid they also needed fulltime working jobs, that many would have been within the towns industries.
I also have a separate questionnaire for any former Haven players throughout this period, i would be grateful if you could pm me if there are any who use this forum.
Once again thanks for your time and help