Quote eels fan="eels fan"I look forward to your 50,000 word response guttertroll as I know you can't let someone have the last word.
Show us all your RL knowledge of Australian Rugby League and where it stands in the country.'"
So...another page of Media Media Media...with a list of clubs that have gone and gone in your opinion because of the SL war. I still say that if there is a demand for a product, it survives. If there is no demand for a product, it dies. If there are a number of products on offer, the best one in the eyes and opinion of the consumer will survive.
As for the little tirade of insults.......and being Irish is brilliant, being called Irish is better than brilliant, you have obviously lost the plot. You say you binned PPTV because you can get it cheaper on-line, but is still doesn;t hide your resentment of having to pay for something you believe should be free. You are Ultra passionate about the game, but your constant name calling, saying you own people (other posters are the judge of that...not you BTW) and rambling responses that say nothing about league but everything about the percieved lack of media buy in point to you being a little OTT.....even fanatical. Still, you are in a position where you should know more about NRL and ARL than me...so I wait with baited breath for your proof THAT AUSTRALIAN PROFESIIONAL RUGBY lEAGUE IS WEAKER, POORER, A LESSER STANDARD AND LESS ENJOYABLE than it was pre SL war. This proof should be in the form of reality...not opinion. It should not list clubs that have folded.....the sport wasn't /isn't big enough to support an unlimited number of teams at the top level...even wendy ball has a top table that has it's limits......unless of course you would like to see a 4 conference league....with 40 teams..........yeah...that would work
Sport is a business, and as a business RL has to cut it's cloth accordingly. There will always be casualties, but to blame the SL war is wrong.....it is natural selection. Supply and demand.....requirement and fulfilment........if the teams you listed deserved to be at the top table, then they would get 7,000 fans turn up for their games, regardless of who they are playing or what league they are in.....but they don't. Why? Because the public want to watch the elite.....and murdoch delivers what the public want.
BTW.....the little fella you posted above is the Mascot of Notre Dame in the USA.....and he is proudly tattooed on my right arm...are you sure we haven't met