Quote SirStan="SirStan"Totally agree, and for that reason alone, I won't be throwing any toys out of the pram over the last week's media coverage. You take the rough with the smooth. Its hard to get the media interested in RL, but we have managed it this week, some coverage by design, other coverage by balls up/accident/opportunism* (delete as appropriate).
I do think Rule would have been better giving a "I won't be commenting on other clubs affairs" to MW, but given Hudge's past form that may be "pot/kettle" a wee bit.'"
I agree absolutely, RH for all its faults is intersted in Rugby League and gives it a lot of air time that we otherwise wouldn't get. We talk of becoming a big sport ala football but moan at the slightest bit of bad press. Football teams get micro analysed by the press and any small comment gets blown up and talked about for days continually (talk sport).
Rule was asked a question which he answered and to be fair to him he never really had a pop. I really like hudge but had the boot been on the other foot I'm certain he would have been a lot more frank with his comments.
The press have slightly pee'd on our chips and deflated the feel good factor but lets be honest we have bought them the drinks and errected a balcony to allow them to do so..
Provided we get it all sorted, Dobbo back playing and Willie on top form it will all be forgotten about in no time, until then at least we're in the press for all the reasons..