Quote easthull4="easthull4"I feel the Rugby Leagure should ask for Ganson to resign we the get rid of him for good and not before time IMO He has made enough mistakes if any normal working guy had made the same mistakes has him over the years he would have gone a long time ago'"
I think it would be a good idea if he stepped away from completely from officiating now, even as a VR. Another one even half as bad and his credibility as custodian of standards, already pretty ragged, will be in tatters before he's even properly got his feet under the desk.
I don't see any point in any sort of witch hunt - it is gone now and we need to ensure officiating is something that people continue to want to do. When things have calmed down a bit, they need to look to see if there anything that can be done to the system to improve things - another ref on the pitch or in the booth, perhaps.
Changing tack a bit, I rewatched the end of last year's game to ease the pain.
Now obviously I'm very biassed and Lovegrove's pass was definately forward (though if Lynch had done his job and wrapped the ball up...

) , but it struck me how different in looks from different angles. From the main fixed camera, on Rovers right and behind the play it looks miles forward, seeming to come out at almost 45-degrees from Lovegrove's hands. But that is in part due to foreshortening. You get a clearer idea of [ihow[/i forward it is from the camera behind the in-goal area, which is closest to Ganson's view, but we have the advantage of looking down from a decent height. 'A yard - yard and a half' is Eddie's (IMO reasonable) estimate, but it goes sideways maybe 5 yards. From where he is stood, I can just about see that he might have needed help from his touch judge - and the camera of the far touchline, up with play shows clearly that he should have got it. It was wrong, but IMO SG himself probably deserves a pass on that one.