Quote Mrs Barista="Mrs Barista"FC fans staying away are accused of being fair-weather fans. FC fans turning up are accused of being fair-weather fans.
You are correct in your initial obsevation Mrs B, that i did and am accusing your stay away freinds as fair -weather supporters,
If you read my post [u
carefuly[/u , you will
hopefuly be capable of realizing that i was replying to one of your fellow supporters comments regarding not turning up to craven park due to its apparent lack of facilities, i.e open stands no cover, or issues with distance from playing area etc etc and would we do the same if the boot was on the other foot?, to which i replied, myself and many other Kr fans have done exactly so on many occasions at the old Boulevard,
in all weathers and despite our league position at the time, they were Derby games and nothing else mattered, we were certainly were not put of by the faclities at the Boulevard which incidently from my experiences were far worse than what currently exist at Craven park ,( which part of that didnt you understand Mrs B?)
Now considering the fact that a great number of your fans have stated on many occasions in the past that lack of facilities at NCP were in most cases the reasons for not attending Craven, you have to ask the question why now?, what has suddenly changed?, has Craven park been miraculously transformed overnight with a new North and South stands erected etc?, i mean surely it cant be something to do with the fact that Hull fc fortunes are currently looking rosier on the playing side.
Like i say Mrs B, consider the fact that a great many of those Fc fans turning up tommorow are the same ones who previously stated they would not attend CP on derby days simply because of the standard of the ground with the fact that nothing has changed on that front since, does in fact sugggets that many of of your fans are fair-weather supporters, (is it the fair-weather bit your'e having the problem with?)
