Quote Grimsby Red="Grimsby Red"Humility is something people on here could learn from Campese, he refused a simple conversion because he didn't want to take Mal Meninga's record point score for a single NRL game. I also watched Millward et al play in a semi-professional sport akin to the bottom half of the championship these days. Campo's body let him down at the end, it comes to all great sports people, so what. He's rugby through and through and all that you lot can do is slag him off now that he's gone. Small provincial minds from a small provincial city, shame on you all.'"
Roger Millward MBE gets over 4 stone and 10 inches from Campese yet played over 40 internationals , was an outstanding player against Australia and in"big" games generally and is universally acknowledged throughout RL , apart from yourself of course, as an all time great of the sport...
Terry won nothing, played no internationals and will not be recognised as an all time great of the game...
Terry , decent player as he could be when on the field, had the heart of a pea...Millward had the heart of a lion...the difference is profound.
I think you could do to learn a thing or 2 about the game