This taken from the book:
"[iFrom page 49:
By the end of the night, I'd downed five or six pints of lager and a few shots of vodka and I was well drunk. It's hardly legendary boozing but I was only 18 and new to drinking... Anyway, I rolled out of the club at around 1am and staggered into the road and into the path of a car full of girls. Despite my best efforts to charm them by dancing inches from the bonnet, and making gorilla noises, they were blasting the horn for me to get out of the way ...
One of the girls was well drunk and she gave me loads more abuse than her mates. She started pushing me ... I knew I'd been a pain in the ar$e but it was all just high spirits; I wasn't prepared for things to get this nasty with a bunch of girls. Then she totally lost it and began punching me again and again.
Next thing I knew, I instinctively swung back at her. But as I threw the punch, the girl who'd been driving stepped in to drag her mate off me. My fist ended up landing square on her chin and she dropped to the floor ... [/i
After Reardon, another thug who hits girls
Long should be banned for a long time .