I did feel sorry for your lot in those terrible conditions, but it was no worse than when I have stood at: Leeds, Wakefield and Bradford in the peeing down rain. It must have been even worse having to endure those conditions whilst watching the performance Widnes put in. However, being rained on e.t.c and getting a thumping by another team in the process (which has happened to us on occasion), did not make me jump on the board and have a go about said teams ground. We have improved our ground massively, and it has already been said, that next season you will have a shiny new stand to go in, and hopefully you and other teams will then bring some more travelling support. We have so far delivered on our promises as a club and continue to deliver continuous ground improvements in extremely difficult financial times.
On a final note, as someone has stated, those conditions should have put the game on more of a level, so really, it's not going to get much easier for Widnes. Wishing you more luck for the rest of the season (except when you play us of course
