Lads, come on stop being too hard on the lad. It's obvious he is a virgin. 'False success' 'wire second biggest name in rl' arf arf
Admittedly We did bank a lot of success without the money to back it up consistently, but would we swap those years to have been in the top flight all this time? Would we ! Widnes were the best club side in the world, the last club side to beat the Aussies, and the original cup kings, so until you have achieved all of that go away and give yer head a wobble.
And as for our pathetic turnout against York last week, I recall similar figures at Wilderspool not too long ago, not bad eh, for a town of 200,000 +

You know, before Warrington general public realised you had a rugby league team. Anyway I am bored with you, so go and take yer dirty HENleys T shirt somewere else.
Widnes will be the kings again pal.