Quote The Dentist Wilf="The Dentist Wilf"Trouble is its not HUll City that are doing all this it is the SMC (all be it one of the same thing as far as Mr A is concerned) and anything to do with the Stadium and income gained from Hull FC should be going into what is an ailing management Company responsible for the upkeep of the Stadium for its two tenants and not into Hull City. You'll argue they are one of the same thing but they legally are not, [iif the ownership of the SMC had been independant of the football Club and the rugby Club this would never have happened[/i. It wil get worse before it gets better if it ever will get better. Be affraid!!! About time the Mail got involved and we got some clarification!'"
I'll argue no such thing, as for the HDM getting involved, I wonder how much of Northgate Press Allam owns, they seem to be his personal mouth piece. The Council should be getting involved, but they're too busy fighting amongst themselves (not much change there).
We definitely need clarification.
Also, if Richardson and his fellow "directors" had been willing to put theiir hand in their pocket, we'd have been involved in the SMC from day one.