Quote Wilde 3="Wilde 3"well from what I know it isn't Steve Roberts that is doing it, so not the originals. Be good to get something back though!
I remember Vince getting a call of Shane Richardson after the article - Tony Grimaldi 'Any good or what' - and also Vince getting started on by Jason Temu after announcing him as the winner of the Airtours award (for coming here for a holiday!)'"
At least they didn't get a letter from Mr Allam's Solicitors

It's a couple of lads who are massive fans who have decided to fill the void left after IAKOW went into hibernation, it should be out in the New Year with a limited edition to start with and that's about all I know really, however I hope everyone will buy into it, because fanzines are a great part of supporting the Club and I really miss Steve and Vince's efforts! Great title as well!!