May have changed, but theses were last guidleines i saw
Quote [i
Each club may nominate the following personnel who must wear appropriate accreditation and distinctive clothing listed as follows. Persons who fill these positions must be over 18 years of age and must not be players under suspension.
• The Head Trainer may enter the playing field in the following situations:
1. When a try has been scored
2. While awaiting a Video Referee decision in relation to a try
3. During a time out called by the referee for an injury
4. To inform a player he is being interchanged
• The Head Trainer is allowed to assist the Physiotherapist with an injured player, carry water or deliver individual messages in the above situations.
• They must leave the field immediately their assigned task has been completed and return to the dug-out area.
• They must enter and leave the field as quickly as possible (i.e. running).
• He / She must not enter the playing field carrying any electronic device switched on or otherwise and must do so in a manner that does not interfere with play.
• The Head Trainer must not speak to the match officials.
• Trainers may enter the field to inform a player that he is being interchanged
• The trainer is only entitled to communicate with other players whilst performing the interchange function.
• The trainer may remain on the pitch for a maximum of three tackles whilst carrying out the interchange
• The new player cannot enter the field until the “interchanged player” reaches the touch line
• The 4th Official must report any trainer who breaches this rule to the match referee immediately.
• In the case of a breach the referee will stop the game and send the trainer to the stand – the club will not be allowed to use a member of staff for interchanges for the remainder of the game.
• The Physiotherapist is allowed unlimited access to the playing field to render assistance to injured players.
• They are to go directly to the player concerned and in instances of severe injury may indicate to the referee that the game should be stopped.
• They are not allowed to pass on messages at any time.
• They are not allowed to be involved in the on-field interchange process.
• They must enter and leave the field as quickly as possible (i.e. running).
• The Physio can only be involved in the interchange process in as far as when he/she goes on to treat a player he/she can bring that player off i.e. escort him to the touch line – he/she cannot have any further involvement.
• Two water carriers are permitted to enter the field of play in the following circumstances:
1. after a try has been scored
2. after the referee has stopped play for an injury
• They must carry an approved water carrying device or unit and must leave the field before play has recommenced.
• They must enter and leave the field as quickly as possible (i.e. running).
• The Doctor can enter the field of play when he/she is medically required to do so.
• All non-playing personnel must enter the field from the designated dug out area and return to that area after coming from the field. They are not permitted to station themselves around the field and are subject at all times to the control of the match referee and his officials.
• In hot conditions water may be stationed safely around the perimeter of the field.
• In any match a player may come to the touchline to receive water.
• It is permissible to have a further person over and above those listed to take onto the field a kicking tee for penalty kicks at goal, conversions and halfway restarts. This person must wear a blue top.
• Clubs must instruct their non-playing personnel to refrain from involving themselves in any conflict between players. Match Officials are to deal with any problems. This includes making comments to opposition players.