Quote Gravitas="Gravitas"Hi I'm hoping someone can help me out here with some information on the above
I got the (or one of) signed match ball from this game for Xmas and I'm wanting to frame it but before I do I was hoping I could get hold of a press report and / or pictures from the game.
I contacted the HDM and they've said all their archive material has gone to the heritage centre so I need the exact date of the match to get the info. I know it was in 1982 but I dont know what date and the usual sources google etc havent turned it up.
Can anyone help?
I've got a ball from the Keith Tindall benefit year too, not a match ball i don't think though. The ball i have was given to me by my future father in law, it was won by him at one of his benefit nights. I think he said it was Trades and Labour club if not, i'm not sure where but it was down Bev road. It was on the 11th March 1982 which was actually the day my partner was born, my father in law got a message to get his

to hospital like.
The ball say's KEITH TINDALL BENEFIT HULL F.C 1981-1982 on it and it signed by the Hull F.C team and also has some of the Great Britain and France teams signatures on it too.