Quote Ian P="Ian P"This afternoon was great so much history, too much to take in one go. The organisers need a big pat on the back as do all those who gave up there time to display there collections of FC history. The event has certainly taken off and I hope it becomes a regular feature now and who knows a display some where would be good, I worry about security in the old Carneigie library now.
Sammy Lloyd was a star turn , but so good to see other old players looking well an still black and whites.
The Rhino...Keith Boxall, Tony Duke.... The Doyle, Cyril Sykes looks great, George Harrison, Barry Edwards, Alan Mcglone, Don Robinson, Keith Tindall, sorry if I missed anyone out its been a long day.'"
You mean Don Robson.......Was at his house today trying to fix an un-fixable light fitting!