Quote WormInHand="WormInHand"Muscle is about a third more dense that fat, though. So the same VOLUME of muscle would be about 33% heavier than the equivalent volume of fat.
So while you sit idle with an injury your muscles waste but you put on more fat due to lack of exercise. Net result a loss of weight.'"
I don't disagree, but the original comment was that muscle was HEAVIER than fat, not that it was of a higher density, which is simply wrong. Well, actually I do disagree, as there is no way muscle is 1/3 denser than fat, in fact, it's about 1/8 denser, a lot of people confuse the stats for bone and muscle, and even then, there isn't just one type of muscle, and each has a different density, even then, each different type retains a different amount of fluid, so it's very hard to compare.
Anyway, at 50/1 I reckon Long might be a little bit lighter anyway!