Quote Mrs Barista="Mrs Barista"Have to say I agree with them though. In the SL era, the Hull derby has involved teams finishing next to bottom in 2007 and 2008, and 12th out of 14 in 2009. Wigan v Saints for me has consistently served up higher quality games since SL began (even the one sided matches where some champagne rugby has been on offer). If you follow one of the Hull clubs the Hull derby is important, but let's face it, just over 10k yesterday in a typically tight and error strewn game is not the sort of thing that elevates FC vs Rovers over Wigan v Saints for the non-Hull RL public IMO.'"
i agree that wigan and saints have produced some top games over the years, but no more than say, wigan v leeds, saints v warrington or saints v leeds, the better teams tend to produce better games but i dont consider the wigan/saints as good an occasion. ive expierienced a wigan saints game on a few occasions and the atmosphere and tension is nowhere near as intense as a city of hull derby, its unique in the game and there is nothing to compare it to, also wigan and saints play in the same colours which is odd for such deadly rivals