Quote Hull Panther="Hull Panther"I called the ticket office early today & was told they had over 1k free tickets lest for Friday's game. I got to the ticket office at 2.00pm & was told all the tickets had gone by 1.00pm!!!
Instead of allowing one voucher per person (2 tickets) people where handing in up to 10 vouchers each & claiming 10 & 20 tickets each!!!
If they wasnt going to limied the numbers than they should not have put an allocation on the tickets!!! For christ's sake we have a 25k stadium...............
Not really a fair system.....no datebase etc collected to entise new fan base!!!! Not really a bright maketing plan...but it's what we have come to expect from our once great club!!!!'"
What is wrong with people. Even with free tickets, why would you want to go and see Hull FC dole up crap rugby, even for free. It's beyond me.