this topic of late reminds me of a joke
white man and a black man in the pub arguing over what colour jesus was the white man says " jesus was white" the black man argued no " jesus was black" a few pints later still arguing the white man says i bet you a 1,000 pounds he was white the blackman accepts the bet but says " how are we going to find out" the white man replies we will go to church and ask him.
so off they pop to church and they begin to pray and ask jesus can you come to us and settle our arguement were you black or were you white , all of a sudden a bright light appears ,is that you JESUS and a booming voice says "IT IS MY SONS " they ask the question can you tell us where you black or were you white and the booming voice replies " YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE MY SONS".
with this the white man shreeks with joy and tells the black man " get in you owe me a 1,000 quid jesus was white" the black man "says how do u make that out " and the white man says " well if he was black he would have said YOU IS WHAT YOU IS "