Quote Fishermanscap="Fishermanscap"Truth is nobody will hear it as the club insists on playing bland music far to loudly just before the kick off. I'm probably alone on this but I think it ruins the atmosphere a bit.
Ideally, I would envisage it being adopted more 'officially' by the club. So, it could be played over the sound system before/after the game as a sing-along. A bit like 'sweet Caroline' at Cas, but obviously much better
Even better if we could get a local band to record an official cover version with an accompanying video of action.
I agree that the pre-game stuff with all the lining up and flags seems to subdue the atmosphere. As a regular feature, a rendition of a club 'anthem' could build anticipation and increase excitement.
Impromptu a capella bursts of the chorus from the north stand would always be a bonus.
Quote Fishermanscap="wakeytrin"
Start singing at kick off and should finish by half time.
It looks long when you write it down, but the original song is only 2 minutes 48 seconds long.