Whilst it is very encouraging to see this Reserved Matters Application for the Newmarket site I feel that under the current circumstances that I must object.
When Outline Consent was granted in December 2012 it was on condition that a Community Stadium must be built once 60,000m2 of floorspace had been built and occupied and was covered in a Unilateral Undertaking that Yorkcourt gave to Wakefield Council. However Yorkcourt dis-regarded the Undertaking with the application for the Newcold cold store such that it did not contribute to the 60,000m2 trigger which means that we are no nearer to the Community Stadium being constructed than where we were 5 years ago when permission was granted.
Cllr Peter Box has gone on record as saying that the Council would have preferred a Multi-Party Section 106 Agreement rather than the Unilateral Undertaking that was accepted by the Secretary of State and also said that Yorkcourt had agreed to replace the Unilateral Undertaking with a new Section 106 Agreement that would include the Newcold development. This Reserved Matters Application is the perfect opportunity to do this.
I therefore believe that the Council should make it a condition of any consent that a new Multi-Party Section 106 Agreement or similar legally binding contract be provided that will ensure the delivery of the Community Stadium at Newmarket or some other approved site and on the same terms outlined in the Outline Consent by 2020 at the latest.
Should such a condition and contract be attached to the consent then I would be delighted to remove my objection and support the application.
The objection can be used as a template but objectors can put in an abjection in their own words but the paragraph in bold needs to be included with any objection.
Objections can be done on the Council's Planning Portal at :
www.wakefield.gov.uk/planning/pl ... ons-online
After clicking "agree" if you search for "Newmarket Lane" you will see the Reserved Matters Application Reference : 17/03102/REM
Before being able to comment on the application you have to Register and then you will be able to make a comment.
Should objectors wish to make written objections they should be addressed to :
Planning Services
Development Management
Wakefield Council
Wakefield One
PO Box 700
Quoting the Application Reference Number : 17/03102/REM
In addition to placing objections we would like objectors to write to their 3 local Councillors and again the template above can be used as the basis but again objectors can use their own words but again must include the paragraph in bold.
Details of Local councillors can be found at :
and then put in your postcode and the names of the Councillors will be visible. Clicking on the pictures will gives their details including email and postal addresses.