I have been trying to get my head around whats happening to RL in England... so I decided... whatever the outcome of Tuesday[i
'I'm Out'[/i
I posted this on the VT and the clarity was there until the RFL comes to its senses and starts running the sport like a sport again there will be nothing but tears, arguments, bitter recrimination.. and the old values of tough, hard conpromising but fair play will be lost... probably forever.
Quote everytime I read through these threads I despair...
the Rugby League Family is being ripped apart...
divisions and fractures are being created now which will take generations to repair... if ever.
I have loved RL since the moment I first played (age 11 at Manygates school 1971) I have been a regular spectator since age 14... played until 40, coached 2 development teams in the midlands, sponsored and mentored where I was able...
but finally... I've had it!
Stop and think what you are all doing, from top (who are managerially inept) to the clubs who are lost in self interest, to the jouros who can barely string two coherent sentences together, to the agents who see the new world in dollar value and sod the consequences, to the players who have massively over inflated self value and ego, to the fans who see the opportunity for unconsequential mischief and yobbish attitude and behaviour.
The whole bucket of crap stinks...
so to those who are granted franchises.. work bloody hard and remember; a town/ city lost their SL club and people lost their jobs, so you could have one, remember the kids who will grow up not knowing what it is like to follow your local heros to Wembley.
and whoever gets the chop on Tuesday, you have my sympathy for their is no way back... to those who lose their jobs, to the parents and schools in the catchment area who will no longer have support... to the generations of potential RL fans and players who will be drawn to nearest soccer club.. to the Grandparents who will not be able to take their grandson/ daughter to watch the game that they grew up loving.... why?
because we have totally lost sight of why we first loved the game... and we are creating a monster'"
My fave moments as a fan... 79 semi v Saints, beating Saints at home to avoid relegation, beating Leeds 47-0 at home... Visiting 'multi coloured swap shop' at belle vue before Trinity played Barrow, playing Australia at Belle Vue.
Worst moment... now!
...so in the annals of time I have been called Tank, Andyt, Spook, Underground and ultimately Spook 2011... so from all of those goodbye to all friends and adversaries... and good luck with your lives... love ypou all goodbyeeeee