Hi All
Just wanted to bring everyone up to date with some fantastic updates with the WTWDSA.
Today we had a stall at the Wakefield Carers Fun Day at Sandal Rugby Union Club.
It was a really well organised event, which both myself, Chris & Paul all in attendance - with Chris actually having organised what I thought was a marvellous event!
Thanks to Chris for organising the event, and thank you to Paul for standing with me, whilst it was hail-stoning, and ensuring the day was such a success.
We got a fair bit of interest from local groups, with one disabled children's group promising to work with us and bring them to a game, which I think is fantastic.
I was asked to talk to a group, which is teamed up with lots of other groups, so this could only be positive, with us attracting more fans.
People were really interested in what the club are doing, and seemed to really care.
Also this week we met with Davide and agreed to work together to upgrade facilities for the disabled at Belle Vue. Hopefully very soon we will have stewards trained to work with the disabled supporters, plus the 'tray girls' taking orders for drinks and food, which is such a simple thing, but will increase enjoyment. It's something no other clubs do, and we have to start shouting from the rooftops about this.
We will be spending a fare bit of money to make like more comfortable for disabled supporters and to ensure that we are offering things that other clubs do not.
This along with the fantastic initiatives of the 'you'll never watch alone scheme' and the audio descriptive facilities we now have for visually impaired fans, means that we have something very special at Wakefield.
The rfl have written all about this good work in their most recent newsletter. They know about this good work, which can only help with franchise bids etc. See link
www.therfl.co.uk/equitydiversity ... ewsletters
I know things are not perfect at Belle Vue, but there is so much hard work going on at present to make this club of ours right at the centre of the community, helping those less fortunate, in a way which other clubs just don't do.
Now let's get that franchise so we can do even more good work!