Quote TRB="TRB" I will not post on this matter further as my views, clearly based on the clubs principals, are not popular.
I am sorry that I am not a member of the old supporters club, nor do I travel on the 'fun bus'. I have chosen my path and that is to work for, and on behalf of the club. If that has offended someone - sorry!
What gets me is how many of the biggest moaners on here go out of their way to help the club bring in that little bit more income so that we have a bit more clout financially?
Simple things ...
Buy your away match ticket at the Club, we then get 10% of the money.
Travel to away matches with wisca where all profits go back to the Club rather than on 'the Fun Bus' which deliberately undercuts wisca and nothing goes to the Club.
Join the Lottery which costs £1.50 per week and you might actually win something as well.
etc.. etc.. many other easy ways to help, a lot of small amounts soon add up to make large amounts