Said a few weeks ago that our Acadamy was a bit threadbare but in true trinity style I'm now not so sure. So what have we got in the locker...
Well Cain Southernwood looks very likely to break through in the next few years if he gets free of injury - anyone know the score?
Luke George - well he was almost there pre injury, he just needs a chance and to get stuck in.
Gareth Potts - looks a decent winger but maybe a bit small.
Greg Eden - looks to have a bit of class.
James Davey - keeps improving, an outside bet.
Chris Anakin - looks a very good prospect.
??? Griffin - youngest of the Griffins and by all accounts potentially the best, a real handfull
There are a few others who could turn it around but the above are IMHO the best.
If say four of them made it and were added to the last crop of Pitts, Fergy, Murphy and Bibb that would make 8 home grown players, 10 if you add Blaymire and Brough. I think 10 homegrown players is respectable for any club but quite spectacular by our recent standard.
Finally before folk say anything I realise non of them might make it, just speculating.
Second finally I notice Liam Campbell is doing quite well in Cumbria. Is he worth a second look as I always rated him - remember Sam Obst was a reject but deserved a second chance which is what many Aussies get in SL - might be interesting to offer a British player a similar courtesy it's not like it didn't work with Moore, Wilkes and Bibey