Joe did a brilliant job from day one when he had the mic.
He certainly added to the match day experience.
As far as I am aware he did what he did for free.
Yet like most of us does not appreciate being treated like a petulant child.
If I had a business and somebody came and worked for free there on a Sunday, I would treat them like a king. However this is not an ethos shared by all.
He is not the first and undoubtedly will not be the last.
He and his mother have however many friends at Cougars and Cougars is in their blood. They need to rise above, be the bigger person and remember why they came
to Cougars in the first place. Spend time with friends and enjoy the game. Support the
lads. They have appreciated your efforts. That is for sure.
The good will of volunteers is a rare commodity especially in times of economic hardship. Like a rare flower it should be nurtured and cherished. Not stifled, eroded, belittled, patronised or ignored.
Volunteers not only save you the money you would have to pay others to do their work. They also have friends who might boycott also.
Lets hope, Jo and his Mum return the throng and just be part of the crowd.