Quote Andy Gilder="Andy Gilder"Which drug addled Dutchman came up with the format for the World Cup of Darts?

What was wrong with having the same format as the Davis Cup - two singles, a doubles, then the reverse singles?
As it was you could win three matches out of five and still get beat in a sudden death shootout - ludicrous!'"
Crazy isn't it, must admit I didn't think of it like that until you pointed it out. Is it fair that the doubles games are worth 2 points? I know there's two players playing but it's still one game. I think we'll see an amendment the format before next year's tournament, it's still new and still far from being perfect. I do think the straight knock is a better format than groups though.
Quote Andy Gilder="barton baird"I agree with Lewis.'"
Do you know what they were arguing about then? because I'd love to know.
Just can't stand Lewis at times, mainly during his interviews when he feels the need to big himself up. After the final where he was saying 'I showed bottle tonight' everyone seen it lad, you don't need to tell us anything. He done it after the World Championship semi too, telling us how much bottle he had and he was the best player in the world all the time.