Quote Cruncher="Cruncher"There's no real wider picture than the survival of Wigan RL as a major force. That is what IL is trying to achieve. Brian Noble, I'd guess, would say the same for his own efforts, but thus far he's failed badly, and his other actions - applying for other jobs etc - would suggest that it isn't his priority anyway. We've still only got your word for it that IL has been going about his business in an incorrect fashion. '"
It is not my word at all it is what you can read for yourself in the press. Unless you wish to accuse Noble if lying he found out about IL speaking to Kearney from contacts down under.
But then I only have your word for it Noble went for the Les Cats job don't I and that he applied for the Roosters job or whatever? What do you base all that on?
It gets a bit tiresome when people come out with arguments saying "do you know IL actually said that" or whatever when they will happily draw their own conclusions on events without, of course, having their own position confirmed from the horses mouth.
Quote CruncherYou seem to be basing every assumption about his character on occasional comments made in the press. Surely you accept that white lies and half-truths occasionally have to be given, along with get-outs, stock answers and all the other usual things that CEOs sometimes find necessary if they don't want to compromise behind-the-scenes activity?'"
The articles in the press on the Noble situation are not occasional comments. You know as well as I do what has gone on but are prepared to justify it whereas I am not.
I have no idea what you thought of Mo but I do know there are some posters on here who could not stand the man and had any coach gone to the press saying he had found out Mo was talking to a potential replacement from his mates down under the lynch mob would be out. However when IL does this it is a "little while lie" and all fine and dandy. I think the word I am looking for here is hypocrisy (not that I am accusing you of that because as I said I have no idea of your position on Mo).
Quote CruncherYou also seem to be starting from the position that IL is an untrustworthy person whereas BN is telling the absolute whole truth. That's also what you did when Steve McNamara and the Wakey chairman both tried to secure their position at IL's expense. To be honest, Dave, its all getting repetitive, this. You accuse me of always defending IL, but you never seem to miss an opportunity to cast an aspersion on him. '"
I do not start from any particular position but read what is in the press or witness what people actually do and draw my conclusions from that taking each event as they comes. So far by doing that I have come the conclusion the way Noble situation has been handled are just downright poor IMO. It has got nothing to do with what IL has done before or any preconceived opinion.
Quote CruncherAt least in my favour he's only a year and a half into the job, and still trying to reform the club in his own image. If he's till achieved nothing two or three years for now, I'll join the chorus of dissent. But you got stuck into him almost straight away. There is a certain breed of Wigan fan who is determined to find fault with everything the club tries to do, and, though I have a lot of time for many of your posts, you do tend to embody that type of thinking.'"
What I do on a consistent basis I believe, is call a spade a spade. If I see IL doing something I consider wrong I see no reason not to say so and certainly not out of any fear as being classed as someone who is determined to find fault. Equally if he does things right I will say so.
You might recall I was on here saying IL would not have signed Ainscough to a contract that meant the club might not be able to play against this season.
I concluded this would have been a silly thing to do and our chairman would not do such a thing. There were the usual comments of "how do you know that" and my response was I was adopting a reasonable position as the notion the club would do such a thing was stupid. I simply adopted what was a reasonable position that turn out to the correct one.
It is the same sort of thing here. I believe I am being entirely reasonable coming to the conclusions I have based on the quotes in the press from people involved namely Noble, Kearney and Orr.