Quote Aboveusonlypie="Aboveusonlypie"For once we are in agreement. The season ticket offers substantial savings for anyone who goes regularly. Unfortunately some 'fans' will look for any chance to have a moan.
The RFL are damned if they do make changes and damned if they don't. The system is dead easy to understand. Furthermore, the playoffs, that apparently no-one understood or liked are now simplified to the point where anyone can get it - semi finals then final.
People have been moaning on here for years that 14 clubs was too many and that P&R (including me) should be reintroduced. Well, we've all got our wishes.
Is the new format perfect - no. But it should provide some entertaining matches in September, especially in the middle 8. As for wanting to have 9 months notice of fixture changes. How ridiculous. Football fans, who pay a site more for their tickets, don't know who will be on sky and when, at the end of their season, why should we expect to?'"
Don't you just hate those moaning fans....how could you mot be enthusiastic about the forthcoming seaon