Happy to report that your loveable RL Fannie member Supreme Syd, conquered Mount Kilimanjaro for the Steve Prescott foundation. It was the toughest challenge of my life so far, both physically & mentally. We were up & down in just 5 days, no aclimitisation time as it was meant to be a "challenge". I suffered from altitude sickness on summit night, after around 4 hours climbing I started to suffer from double vision, then my lips became very swollen and my speech slurred and all my words were in the wrong order. But with the help of the guides, and a huge amount of glucose, I was pushed on and after 10 hours managed to reach the summit, and wave the SPF flag from the top. Toughest 5 days of my life and the most rewarding also.
Many thanks to those fellow RL Fannies lovers who supported me with kind messages, emails and donations to the charity link I setup. Some very kind & supportive people in the RL family.
If you wanted to support the challenge and the charity, you can still do so here : [urlhttp://www.justgiving.com/Ade-Cunliffe[/url every penny goes direct to the Steve Prescott foundation ( SPF )
The slogan for the foundation is
" Only a cure will do " and everyone's donations will hopefully result in a cure !
Picture of us all at the summit, I am the one in the red animal hat.