Quote nitsua="nitsua"Might I remind you, Wigan Warriors use to be called Wigan R.U. and my grandfather was very proud to be a follower, as indeed he was equally proud to watch them, when they become Wigan R.L.
Without Wigan R.U. there would not have been the Wigan Warriors we watch today. I feel your comments are not only negative, but also extremely unnecessary.'"
Wigan were never called Wigan RU as far as I am aware.
Wigan were and perhaps still should be called (The) Wigan Football Club.
Wigan, Hull and Oldham are examples of where the first football club to form in a town played the oval ball game (although some clubs weren't sure which code of football - association or rugby - to play). Which is why when people formed soccer clubs in those towns/cities had to find different names for those clubs (Athletic/City).
That's my dull factoid for the day.